Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where was the beginning??

There is a time in ones life where we see ourselves developing into a person or role we never knew possible. When that moments strikes you, more times than not you encounter that "aha!" feeling.

I've been very blessed to have experienced this moment more than once in my life. It usually happens when I draw closer to God and He just changes me in subtle ways. I don't usually ever notice at first, but over time it hits me, "I want this so much and I don't even know where it came from!"

Well this is where Kenya came from.

I've travelled, I've helped with kids, but it began in 2005 at Lakeside. Missions that year was from Raise Praise Ministries and to help the communities in Grenada who were affected by hurricane Emily.

I knew then and there I was going to Grenada. I wanted so badly to go and help! I had a goal and I was going dead or alive. Well God knew I was going, too. Not only was I going on the 2006 trip like I had planned, but He decided to send me just 4 weeks after camp.

He did it all. And I went, and man, was my life just rejuvenated and different. I returned in 2006 knowing I would not be there a 3rd year. But I knew more than anything in my life that God was using my trip to Grenada to prepare me for something more--Africa.

In the midst of those Grenada years, a youth leader had mentioned wanting to move to South Africa for missions. I remember being so jealous because I wanted to go to Africa so bad! So I set my sights on South Africa.

Years go by and college happened and work happened and life happened, but I never let the passion of helping kids in Africa go. I couldn't. It's a part of me.

So when Wed, Aug 17 happened. I knew Kenya was going to happen.

Sort of...

I believe if God just handed us everything we ever wanted, we would never ever understand, nor appreciate its value. And we'd all be fat little spoiled "Christians" who consume all of God's blessings while undermining His ability, power and desire to change us into a greater people!

For example:


But I'm currently in a bet with my friend of who can go the longest without consuming the desired treats that we love the most. In this case, these are treats that aren't really good for us, but we'll omit that from our thinking right now...

But as you probably already figured out, I can't have chocolate chip cookies :(

I have to work through the temptations, question "why I am doing this stupid bet in the first place", and want, pine and beg for a tiny taste of a cookie. And at this point, I'm not even quite sure when I'll get to have another one again...

But when I do get one, man.... will I really really love my chocolate chip cookies now.

That's what God did with me and Kenya.

I saw it and I wanted it. I almost booked the ticket, but I had to wait. I got approval from one boss! So I prayed and fasted about it, so I knew this was what God really wanted for me. He answered. And I was going to Kenya.

Still I had to wait. And wait. And pray. And fast. And wait. And 100% stand on the promise that God was still allowing me to go to Kenya.

Finally I got approval from my other boss. And ooo weeee did that approval taste so much sweeter than the first! It's like having to go that month without that chocolate chip cookie.

But you know, that approval made we well up with tears, that approval showed me the wait was worth the gain I received from it.

It showed me, God knows exactly what He was doing. And He's blessing me by building my faith in the process.

Stand on his promises. He'll send you to your "Kenya" too.

.:: Kenya's Calling::.

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